About Me
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrate
Valerie Espinasse is a Doctor in Pharmacology with diplomas in Micronutrition, Predictive, Anti-Aging and Personalised Medicine, she is also a specialist in phytotherapy and naturopathy.
She has specialised in dietary intolerances for many years during which she has acquired a significant expertise in intestinal microbiota and its effects on human health.
Her central interest revolves around a holistic approach to healthcare, where the symptom is but the very tip of the iceberg, and seen as the consequence of a set of imbalances that are often historic and barely noticed.
Micro-nutrition is a natural approach capable of resolving most health conditions by acting on the metabolism and physiological equilibria: digestive, hormonal, emotional, immunity, sleep, energy, basal/weight.
Valerie Espinasse treats each of her patients as a unique individual. Whatever the reason for a patient’s visit, her first point of interest will always be their general state of health. This is why she has become specialised in treating chronic conditions such as Lyme disease.
Today the direct link between intestinal microbiota and immunity has been proven. This is also the case for neurotransmitter secretion, hormonal equilibrium and how these factors can have an effect on obesity.
The intestinal microbiota is the keystone of our health, and the central focus of any consultation with Valerie Espinasse.
She has participated in a large number of working groups; knowledge is her leitmotiv in how she develops her practice.
Her personal motto comes from the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates:
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”