Valérie Espinasse’s global treatment method applies a very precise and individually tailored protocol. The consultation begins with a general questionnaire to evaluate the patient’s general state of health, the quality of their digestive/hormonal/emotional system and their eating habits; all of this is then used to establish most suited recommendations.
A full intestinal analysis is then prescribed to evaluate the condition of the intestinal flora and identify any digestive hyper-sensitivity or dietary intolerances.
In some cases, Valérie Espinasse may suggest that the patient undergoes other tests: a full nutritional report, a vitamin report or more specific tests: to identify the presence of heavy metal poisoning or oxidative stress for example.
Further blood tests may also be prescribed for patients with family projects or cases of suspected infertility. Valérie Espinasse will then make an individualised health prescription for the patient including:
a personalised dietary regime
a specific micronutrition protocol in the form of a specific cure treatment.
Thanks to Valérie Espinasse’s preventive approach, she is able to provide treatment for patients with chronic conditions such as auto-immune diseases, cancers or Lyme disease. Valérie Espinasse’s method has proven itself constantly over the past 20 years. She has a regular international customer-base and has introduced a remote consultation approach in order to meet the ever increasing demand for her services.
For cases of recent, chronic, or maternity-related weight-gain, Valérie Espinasse proposes a global treatment to identify the causes of the weight-gain.
It has been scientifically proven that the relation between the quality of the individual’s intestinal microbiota and basal metabolism can be a cause for obesity. Dietary intolerance and intestinal flora analyses will provide essential information that will be used to establish a personalised dietary regime.
Micronutrition cures can be used to treat the causes of the weight-gain: sugar, emotional, hormonal or metabolic impulses; and in many cases this can facilitate weight-loss and ensure a long-term stabilisation.
Digesive Tract
Valérie Espinasse’s approach can be used to treat a large number of digestive tract conditions such as: constipation, diarrhoea, transit problems, digestive candidiasis, digestive ulcers, Crohn’s disease, etc.
She will propose a treatment based on a series of dietary intolerance and intestinal microbiota tests. Valérie will then use the results of these tests to establish individualised dietary regime recommendations which will be combined with a specific micronutrition cure to restore the intestinal flora and reduce inflammation
The patient will be able to expect some improvement within 3 months.
Stress may just be one word but the symptoms that it provokes are wide ranging: fatigue, anxiety, lack of concentration, depression, sleep problems … and in some cases BREAKDOWN.
Valerie Espinasse’s approach is global.
She includes a dietary approach which is fundamental to treating such conditions, when the neurotransmitters are disturbed by stress; they are extremely sensitive to our dietary biorhythms.
A neurotransmitter analysis will be completed to evaluate the micronutrition protocol most suited to resolving any deficits.
The recovery of equilibrium will be effective within 3 months and the increased well-being will be permanent.
Valérie Espinasse’s approach can be used to treat a large number of hormonal imbalances such as: menopause, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, pre-menstrual syndrome, thyroid-related conditions, sterility, etc.
She will propose a treatment based on the results of a series of dietary intolerance and other more specific tests.
In the event of suspected infertility or a family project, certain specific micronutritional analyses will also be proposed.
Valérie will use the results of these tests as the basis for her dietary adaptation recommendations to reduce the inflammation. In addition to this, a specific micronutrition cure will provide the essential nutrients for re-establishing a sustainable hormonal balance.
Valérie Espinasse’s approach can be used to treat a number of skin conditions such as: acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, atopy, etc.
A series of food intolerance and intestinal flora tests will be used to establish the dietary behaviour changes that will be necessary to improve the quality of the cutaneous flora. A specific micronutrition cure will achieve a completely natural, rapid and long-lasting improvement to the quality of the skin in less than 3 months
General health
Valeries Espinasse has a diploma in predictive and personalised medicine. Her approach can be used to treat chronic conditions: migraines, joint pain, arthritis, respiratory conditions (asthma, nasal polyps, angina and chronic sinusitis, etc.),…
For this she uses an established protocol based on series of food intolerance analyses and various other tests. Valérie Espinasse uses the results to propose a personalised dietary regime adapted to the patient’s condition, combined with micronutrition cures to improve immunity and reduce inflammation, with very rapid results.
Valérie Espinasse also provides treatment for patients suffering from heavy metal poisoning or other serious conditions such as: auto-immune system diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Lyme disease. The treatment is always based on a holistic approach to the patient’s health to optimise their immunity and reduce inflammation.
Valerie Espinasse has a diploma in predictive, anti-ageing and personalised medicine. Her approach is principally preventive but can also be curative; it can effectively treat the effects of ageing.
She proposes general health treatments based on series of tests evaluating the micronutritional state, hormonal condition, oxidative stress, intestinal microbiota and dietary intolerances.
The treatment will be based on specifically suited and individualised dietary recommendations.
In addition to this, specific micronutrition cures complete the treatment and seek to slow down the visible effects of ageing.
Illustration by Madleen Nuret (